Sunday, March 17, 2013

Homework #2

1. Good stability and in design is when the planes meet as close as possible at a 90 degree angle. 
Interaction is how the planes meet each other. The Three planes rule states: “a stable structure results when any three planes meet so that each plane interacts with both of the other planes.

2. An environmental plane is where a plane of a stable structure is the surface where planes are attached. It is any kind of surface to where a planar structure is mounted. It can also be called a ground plane (walls, floors, ceilings, shelves, the surface of the earth, and tabletops. A planar structure is three planes interacting through three dimensions, making a stable structure.

3.An architectonic form is a category of a planar form. It includes architecture, most furniture, and a significant number of other objects. Three examples of an architectonic form are: common geometric shapes featuring rectangles, squares, triangles, and simple curved shapes like circles.

4. Reflective surfaces like mirrors can affect visual transitions by helping the illusion of space entering an closed surface.

5. Planes can define volume by virtue or their shape. Planes and volume shape and activate space. For example, a square can be pictured as a slice, or cross-section from a cube. A group of squares all the same size that intersect at their centers can make a cube in space, creating volume.


Organization: organization is the entire pattern or structure, tying the parts of an object together into a unified whole.

Synergy: synergy according to R. Buckminster Fuller is the unpredictable, surprising capabilities that are in an organization who has individual elements that seem unimpressive on their own.

Order and Freedom: Order and freedom must be intertwined in a design in order to create unity and richness. Too much of one or the other will either become too excessively organized or will create an a messy composition.

Structure and Unity: Structure and unity are achieved by organizational devices such as systematic structure and intuitive structure. Systematic structure is very mathematical while intuitive structure is more the viewer’s psychological experience to create order. Unifying principles visually bind a composition together.

Symmetry: Symmetry is a type of balance. It balances a composition by using repeating patters or forms within a composition. The most common symmetry is mirror. One half of a composition is repeated in its reflection in the other half of the composition.

Repetition Within Variety: repeating the same or similar elements helps create order in a composition. However, too much repetition or order is not very interesting to the viewer. Variety is necessary.

Rhythm and Gradation: They are important elements in repetition within variety. Both show and create intervals of change

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tree Roots Emerge from the Ceiling in an Installation by Giuseppe Licari

Organic chandeliers featuring prickly roots of trees.
The relationship between humankind and nature, growth and decay are central themes in Licari’s work.
These structures reminded me of Aurora Robson's work with recyclables.


Woods Bagot: KIOSC Green School in Victoria, Australia

The design is part of a specific effort to integrate eco-friendly construction methods in accord with the environmentally responsible 'technical and further education' (TAFE) curriculum taught
inside the classroom. This building reminded me of our current serial planes project, as well as Zaha Hadid's work.

The Picnic by Raw Edges

Textile installation mad of 1500 kvadrat straps.
The framework was specially conceived to allow visitors to engage with the textile samples in a more interactive way, offering them a closer look at the selection. it was designed in a way to recreate the scene of a picnic.
Here is there design process.


An architectonic structure as a “container”

                Container- an object that can be used to hold or transport something else

A large metal box of a standard design and size used for the transportation of goods by road, rail, sea, or air: a container ship

A receptacle, vessel, canister, can, box, holder, repository

Zaha Hadid

                Designer and architect: serial planes

Aurora Robson

                Painter and sculptor: repurposed plastic materials

Biomorphic Forms

                A decorative for or object based on or resembling a living organism

                A graphic representation of an organism generated on a computer, used to model evolution

Three dimensional organizing principles

                Gravity and weight

                Proximity and similarity


                Beginnings, endings and connections

                Scale and context

                Surface texture


                Radiation and movement

                Implied line and explicit line

                Negative and positive space

                Structure and weight


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pentateuque by Fabien Merelle

Merelle uses tools of humor, storytelling and whimsy to create his pieces.
This piece relating to his childhood.

'59 Steps to Air by Tomas Saraceno

This work is design to float solely on solar power, the sun.
It is made out of trash bags, transparent tape, rope, bicycle wheels and other flotsam jetsam materials to fabricate the structure.

Polar Array Dome Stool by Studio Toer

The Polar Array Dome Stool by Studio Toer is made out of eighty curved steel rods and beech wood.
The arrangement creates a polar array.
This structure creates a strong shape for the sitter to sit on.
It also makes the sitter look like they are sitting on air.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Progress on Relief Project

Julia an I are starting to assemble our boxes with round head fasteners and binder clips.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Relief Project Progress

Today Julia and I folded all 72 of our black boxes for our chess board.
We have completed all 144 black and white boxes and now we are beginning to brainstorm ideas for our chess pieces.